The first weekend of December has always been the time to decorate the tree in my family. Since hubby and I have been together, we have not been down that track. Christmas has never been spent at home, so we didn't need one. But with two kiddies, and the elder understanding, drew me to the conclusion we needed to start.
So started the tree debate. Hubby likes the real kind. We had grown up with artificial. So we hummed and harred about what to do. Real tree-lovely smell v's needles falling everywhere, needing water and more upkeep, being stuck with a dead tree at the end(and no fireplace, so no need for wood) and pretty heavy should a toddler or possibly crawling babe pull it onto themselves. Artificial-more expensive, needs to be stored during the year v's will have it forever, very little moulting and lightweight, or a living tree which we have no where to store. So the artificial tree won and thanks to the Warehouse having a halfprice sale on trees and decorations, during the week, we were set.
The tree was put up last night, so a toddler didn't try to "help" us. And the look on her face was priceless when she woke up this morning. So after breakfast and getting changed we set to work, decorating the tree...
Bella giving orders! "Just a little bit over that way" |
Lotsa Beads! |
Maddie lends a hand |
Jingle Bells |
Daddy helps with the high ones |
Adding the Angel-two Angels at the top of the tree :) |
Awww-admiring her work! |
All finished! |
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